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Candle Care

Nurturing Your Candle's Glow: Keep it bright.

Caring for your LUCETTE+MO candle is an act of love. I encourage you to follow these steps to nurture its glow:

Embrace the Wick:

Trim the wick to 1/8 inch before each burn. A trimmed wick ensures a pure, bright burn.

Evoke a Pool of Dreams:

Let the wax melt completely on the first burn, creating a liquid tapestry of stories etched across its surface. This keeps the experience clean and prevents your candle from tunneling.

Whispers of Safety:

Protect the flame from breezes, place it on heat-resistant surfaces, and keep it away from flammable materials, curious hands, and paws.

Time, a Keeper of Moments:

Enjoy the glow, but let it rest after 4 hours.
This harmony, a dance between patience and pleasure, keeps your experience clean + serene.

A Second Life, A New Tale:

When your vessel holds only half an inch of wax, consider a new story. Clean out the remaining wax and give it a fresh purpose. Allow it to protect tokens of sentiment, echo the softest secrets, whispers, and dreams yet to unfold.

A vessel that once held light now holds a lifetime of possibilities.